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The Artist

QRt Codes want to exploit the potential of technology to create a new form of art that is able to connect people and help them access new dimensions. My NFTs are based on two main concepts: Multi-Layer art and Socialization.


For the first time, what you perceive is not the artwork in its entirety. QRt Codes hide multiple layers that can be perceived with more and different senses (e.g. sight, hearing, tact …). Moving among the multiple layers, the observer may change not only the sense used to perceive the artwork but he/she can shift among different kind of arts (e.g. painting, poetry, music …).


Another goal of QRt Codes is have an impact on socialization, a trait that the COVID 19 has strongly damaged and that must be cultivated in the next coming months/years. QRt Codes want to exploit the power of art pushing people to connect each other.  Since QRt Codes are born digital and digital art is most of the times consumed on smartphones, it is not possible to know what a QRt Code hides. Hence, the observer, in order to discover the multiple layers, has to socialize with other people in order to read the QRt Code on its device through the device of others.

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